The district of Kohnsen is located approx. 5 km west of the city Einbeck.
Kohnsen extends between two streams in a shallow hollow between the foothills of the Elfas and the Klapperberg. The village has approx. 263 inhabitants (as of 02.01.2024).
Documented mention under the name form Cusinhusin in the year 1064.
Documented mention under the name form Cusinhusin in the year 1064.
Culture and sights
- In the center of the oldest part of the village, the lower village, stands the quarrystone St. Johannis-Kirche from the year 1652. This was considered a daughter church (branch) of the Stiftes St. Alexandri in Einbeck. It contains the bell that was cast in 1503. The upper tower structure was only erected in 1865/66 according to a design by ConradWilhelm Hase